Sunday, April 18, 2010

Exploitation of Teachers in Delhi Govt Schools

There is a lot of exploitation of Delhi's teachers. The Dir. of Education does not think teacher are human beings. They do not think that teachers have family's obligation or duty. they do not think that teacher have any social obligation.
First I will describe how a Delhi's Governement teachers are over burdened
1. Teacher have to do their six hour official duty.
2. Teachers are asked to come 15 minutes before the scheduled time and leave the school after 15 minutes past of scheduled time.
3. It means they have to do 30 minutes of extra time duty daily.
4. Teachers are asked to take extra periods for the weak students without any payment.
5. Teachers are asked to take extra periods for the board's classes without any extra payment.
6. There are many other duties for the teachers in the school other than teaching work
i. They have to take part in the prayer and helped the concern teachers
ii. They have look after the discipline of the students irrespective of their periods.
iii There are many charges in the school, every teacher have a specific charge for himself
a. Charge of peroperty: There is many items in the school property as school building, desk, table, chairs, almiras, television, computer etc.
For the above thinks a teacher have to maintain a register for things mentioned above and he has the responsible for the above things.
b. Charge of PTA: for this charge teacher have to maintain many registers as register for the PTA meatings, and register for the Parents who have attended the meating, register for PTA fund, register for expenditure of PTA fund, register for vouchers etc. He has to maintain a bank account for this purpose
For this fund teacher have to spend extra time on this.
c. Charge of People fund: All funds collected in the Name of people fund a teacher have to maintain the account same as the PTA fund's register and he has to purchage many things and have to do payments and maintain a Bank Account also.
For this purpose he has to spend extra time otherthan teaching hours.
d. Admission and Withdrawal : All the admission and withdrawal are being done by this charge holder teachers. In a year more than 500 students admitted in a school and many students leavae the school on certain account. He has to maintain all the records.
This is very time consuming charge.
e. Charge of examination: this charge can be distributed in many parts as
i, Home examination: In a year many exams take place such as annual exams, 3 terminal exams, admission tests. He has to make planning for seating arrangement in advance, and he has to make planning of question papers., distribution of answer sheets, distributions of anwersheet to the concerned teachers for checking and collect the same after the checking, distribution of marksheets to the concerned class teachers.
And many more works which are ordered by the department time to time he has to compelete these work in stipulated time, without any extra payment. He has to maintained many register for the results. He spent extra time for this work which never come into the calculations.
ii, Unit tests: This is also the same as the home examinations.
iii. Stationary: All the stationary is being used in examinations have to look after by the concerned teacher. For this work many registers are maintained by the teacher and spends many hours.
iv. CBSE exams: conduct of CBSE Exams is not a easy jobs it is also a tidious job to be done by the teacher which pays extra time.
v. Pulics exams: UPSE, SSC, DSSB and many other commisions are conducting recruitment exams. which also needs time.
f. Welfare schemes of Government:
i. Free supply of Uniforms
ii. Free supply of Text Books
iii. Free supply of Stationary
iv. Various Scholarship schemes.
v. Grant of fund for miniority students. etc
each Welfare scheme is maintianed by the teachers these schemes are take extra time to maintain the record which no body see that teachers are spending time on non teaching work.
g. Mid day meal: A teacher is deputed for this charge for collecting and distribution of midday meal. he has to maintain the record for this purpose.
h. Cal labs: There computer lab in each and every school. a teacher is deputed on this purpose. he has to look after the labs. He has to arrange the labs before the Cal lab periods.
i. Sanitation work.: a teacher is look after the sanitation work. he work as a storekeeper for sanitation ietems.
j. Biology lab, Chemistry Lab, Physics Lab, Mathematics Lab, SST Lab, Drawing room. Each lab has a individul incharge, certainly it will be a teacher.
7. There are 48 periods of 40 minutes in a week. Each teacher has to take 32 to 36 periods in a day.
8. Apart from stipulated periods and charges a teachers as to take arrangement periods.
9. It means a teacher has to take 7 to 8 periods daily out of 8 periods.
10. Can any body think that teaching is a tiry job, in a 40 minutes period a teacher put his every thing in front of his students. Apart from this he has to maintain discipline in the class room. So In 40 minutes time itself a teacher become tired. And he has to take another 7 to 8 periods more.
11. Apart from the stipulated periods and arrangement periods teacher has to do the work for his one of above mentioned charges.
12. He has to take extra period for the board classes before or after the stipulated school timings
13. He has to take extra classes for the weak students.
14. For the teachers there are only 8 Casual leaves and 10 Medical leave. For teachers only there no earned leave.
14. There is summer vacations for the teacher but they are banned by the Higher officials to take leave in the summer vacations. Because there are remidial classes, Cal Lab Classes, Classes for Board Students, For which a teacher has not been paid a single paisa.
15. There is also Autmn Break in the records for the teachers But see there are classes for the Board Students and Weaks Students. In liue of these classes no amount or leaves are given by the department..
16. There are Winter Breaks: Again see there are classes for students. So No break for the teachers.
18. In the above mentioned circumstances there is no holidays for the teachers as said the teaching work comes under vacational job. So teacher do not get earned leaves.
19, Vote list: Teacher are forcibly given the job of vote listing, and they have to do this work after their teaching hours and on sundays and holidays.
20. Elections work.: This kind of work is also mendatory for the teachers and they have to do the work forcibly.
21 Census work: work of census always given to teachers only why? This question I never understand. teachers are asked to do the Census work after the school hours or on holidays.
Now I want to ask the question from the concerned authorities are teachers not overburdened apart from teaching work.

It is true that non teaching people are gealousy of the teachers they always said that teachers have many holidyas But you see where are holidays for the teacher.
Teacher are asked to do Each and Every work after teaching hours. why?
Now compare the Extra work with non teaching staff;
If a non-teaching staff member do the work of voting list or election work, they can do all the work in their duty hours, they do not spent any extra hour for extra work.

Non teaching staff do daily 9and 1/2 hour work daily and they get Saturday and Sunday Off, 8 Casual leaves , 10medical leaves and 30 Earned leaves and 2 restricted holidays and 18 gazetted holidays
and a teacher do the 6 to 1/2 hour duty daily and he gets only Sunday off and 8 casuals and 10 medicals only. No Earened leave for the teachers.

Are teachers bonded labours of the Directorate of Education, Election Commission, Census Department.

The teacher has no time for his family and relatives. He has short of leaves for his relative/friends marriages/demises. Do he has no right to pay his homage to his dears and nears. If He has the right to show his homage how he can go there where are leaves for them.
As there is no earned leaves. So he cannot go there.
There is no Sundays, No Holidays, No Summer Vacations, No Autmn Breaks, and No winter Breaks for the tachers. how he will fulfill his duty and abligation towards his family and society.
Is this not expoitation of Teachers.
In my words to become a teacher is a sin.
No body count his extra work because teacher do all the works without any agitation and without any demand of payment.
It is Govt of India's rule No work no Payment. They why not Extra work and extra payment applied for the Teachers as non-teaching staff get over time for his extra work.
Teacher should not be given work of voting list, census work and election work forcibly, it should become optional to them. A handsome and attractive amount should be given to them for his every extra work.

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